From the desk of author Michael Solomon

Michael Solomon was a 15-year veteran of the New York City Police Department and served  in its drug enforcement division, receiving well over a dozen awards for his excellent service
Date: October 13, 2008   Vol. 3 2- Issue 20

John McCain's Next Move

If I were John McCain, I would get up on Tuesday night during the debate and tell Americans, "I do not think it is fair that I become your President."

The Democrats got us into this financial disaster. Therefore, I propose they fix their own mess. Let Barack Obama and his Democratic cronies figure it out. Why do the Republicans always have to straighten out what the Democrats have screwed up?

It started with Jimmy Carter and his 21% Prime Interest Rate, 15 plus percent mortgages and 7.1% unemployment rate. 1982 under Carter was the worst year since the Great Depression, with a -2.2 percent negative growth and a 13.5% inflation rate. Let's not forget to mention his Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) that started the housing mess. It took Ronald Reagan to straighten out the economy. However, the CRA was lurking in the background.

Then the next Democrat to take control was Bill Clinton. After he raised our taxes and expanded the CRA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac he repealed the Glass Steagell Act of 1933; not to mention his refusal to tell the Sudan to hold Bin Laden for us.

Let us not forget the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998, which gave him the authority to take out Hussein and change the regime in Iraq. He did nothing about it. When he left office, he left George Bush with a recession.

It took George Bush to get us out of the recession and into a period of economic growth that we have not seen in decades. I know you are probably saying what about the Dot-Com boom during the Clinton years. That was a result of the Reagan tax credits for Research and Development. Do you really believe that Bill Gates woke up one morning in 1995 and said, "I think I will invent Windows 95 today?" It took ten years for that to happen. Mickey Mouse could have been in the White House, does that mean he gets credit for it.

So here, we are in the worst financial disaster in American history, which was started by Carter and exacerbated by Clinton and his cronies, Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Christopher Dodd, Sen. Charles "Chuck" Schumer and Sen. Barack Obama. Let's not forget Franklyn Raines who was Clinton's Director of the Office of Budget and Management. The man, who cooked the books at Fannie Mae, then left with a "Golden Parachute" of $90 million. Now, he is one of Obama's financial consultants.

Even after President Bush and Sen. John McCain warned the Democrats that we were getting in over our heads and would soon be in deep "Do-Do" if this continued, the Democrats ignored it all. Perhaps, it was the hundreds of thousands of dollars they received in campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie or maybe they were too pre-occupied with bashing the President to stop and listen. Whatever the reason is, it does not matter. They should clean up their own mess.

Therefore, John, on Tuesday night you should apologize for voting in favor of the bailout and tell us that you thought you were doing the right thing. However, in retrospect it does not look like it is going to work for a while.

Therefore, you are going to defer to Barack Obama to clean up his own mess. Unless they want to elect a Republican to clean it up for him. Because history is teaching us Republicans can do it. "Yes We Can."

So if we want to straighten out the economy, I suggest we elect John McCain.

And, that is my opinion.

Michael Solomon

Author of "Where Did My America Go?"


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