Democrats Lied To You!

Majority leader / McCain May 5, 2006, letter warning to deaf Democrats in Congress of the dangerous abuse at Fannie and Freddie


McCain and many of his Republicans in Congress warned,

"With the fiscal challenges facing us today, (deficits, entitlements, pensions and flood insurance), Congress must ask itself WHO would actually pay this debt if Fannie and Freddie could not?" . . . May 5, 2006

Once reading this official letter posted below that warned Congress of an impending financial disaster, no one can deny that the Washington Democrats could have stopped the collapse of America's financial superstructure two years later in October of 2008. But instead ALL Democrats chose to ignore McCain's warning including Barack Obama, a supporter of the Fascist group, ACORN. ACORN has now been sued across the United States for filing false voting records, virtually pushing every single registered voter toward the Democrat Party.

Is it then any surprise the corrupted House Democrats then tried to sneak into their bailout bill of October of 2008 an unbelievably 20-BILLION dollars to go to ACORN! The Republicans balked at the abuse and then later defeated the House bailout bill, in this case sick and tired of being blamed by a corrupt Democrat Congress and San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi for the horrible financial mess put upon the American people.

With the defeat in the House, the Democrat-lead Senate then created a new and different bailout bill adding 1.5 BILLION in pork, that included money for wooden arrows and the far-left Hollywood film community, totally $857,000,000,000, not the $700 billion as advertised, putting lipstick on the pig.

So who are you going to vote for in November? The party that screwed you, or the party that tried to stop it but couldn't, because Democrat voters had put their party in control of Congress in 2006.

Democrat voters must really love pain and suffering at any cost! But this time around we hope they keep it to themselves and not spread their dysfunctional lives to the rest of us. Conservatives love this country's independence and unique free capitalist system that rewards personal innovation, which has made the United States the greatest in the world where the dollar has ruled, that is up to now!

Of course, we all know now too many voters were looking for free checks and entitlements to line their pockets, voting Obama for president on November 4, 2008. The mainstream media had laid down a red carpet, pissing on the facts about the environment Obama had come from living on the southside of Chicago and assuring Obama's election.

Thomas Jefferson, a founding father, warned us of these things that could destroy our Republic. - Webmaster


"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." - Thomas Jefferson

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government."- Thomas Jefferson


Source: Human Events


"Ladies and Gentlemen! The next President of the United States and his Director of Education for America's youth."

"Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, claims to abhor nostalgia ("Nothing is more boring than some old person going on and on about the way things used to be"). But he has been thinking lately about the past—both his and the country's—and soon he will likely be engaged in what he calls "a dialogue" about the sixties, the antiwar movement, and the radical life he led. The spur for this dialogue will be the publication of Fugitive Days (Beacon Press, $24), a memoir Ayers has written about the trajectory of his life, from a pampered son of the Chicago suburbs to a young pacifist to a founder of one of the most radical political organizations in U.S. history."  Obama, when asked about this picture said that flag pins and putting your hand over your heart had no meaning for love of country.  Really?  Then why during his campaign for president suddenly he had flags surround him on the stage, in his logo, and on his coat at every debate?  Liar, liar, pants on fire!

William Ayers, Weatherman Radical bomber now of course a professor at the University of Illinois, used his home to help Obama start his campaign as an Illinois senator, leading to his running for president.

What do you think the two men discussed in those days, Obama distancing himself from Ayers while a candidate for president when asked about the relationship, saying "I was a little boy when he was trying to kill Americans." Really, Barack?

Photo from the October 1, 2007 edition of 'Time,' shows Obama, Hillary and Bill Richardson at the Steak Fry of Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on September 17 in Indianola, Iowa, during the National Anthem. Richardson and Clinton have their hands over their heart. But not Obama! Does he perhaps believe that, like not wearing the flag pin, the hand on the heart isn't 'true patriotism'?" . . . read source

- ACORN, Obama, and the Mortgage Mess -

McCain finally documents Obama's ties to Ayers!

Obama said Ayers simply lived in the neighborhood! Wow, he distributes millions of dollars for Ayer's organization and he only lived in the neighborhoo? Think what he would do as president along with the good old boys that blindly follow him.

Barack ACORN Obama Facts



"Freedom is Knowledge"