A Little Catholic Humor from Canadian Newfoundland, eh?


Each Friday night after work, be it sunshine, blizzard, or driving rain, one could find a Newfie firing up his outdoor grill ready to cook a delicious, fresh moose steak. The unbelievable and delicious aroma from the grilled moose barbeque would make its way across fences and yards, the sweet smell entering into many homes. While you would think the people living in these homes would welcome the scented air, it was instead causing a problem for these Catholic faithful living in the neighborhood.

You see when it was Lent fresh grilled moose steak was forbidden from being eaten by them on Friday. After a good while and not being able to take it any more, the Catholic faithful finally decided to talk about it with the local priest, the poor souls trying their best not to sin. They begged the good Father to talk to the Newfie, a simple man named Jack.

Reluctantly, the priest agreed and decided to go over one evening to visit with Jack. As he sat with the pleasant man and discussed the days troubles, he suggested that the good Lord might be delighted if the good Newfie would become Catholic. Jack, a man not wanting to be outside the good standing with God, agreed to give it a try.

After several classes and careful study, the day finally came when Jack would attend Mass. To give the final ceremony of Jack's entering into the Catholic faith and joining his neighbors in their sacred beliefs, the priest sprinkled holy water over him in front of the church saying, "You were born a Protestant and raised a Protestant. But now, glory be, you are a Catholic."

Jack's neighbors, all sitting in the pews, were greatly relieved and silently applauded. That was until the next Friday night arrived and the wonderful aroma of grilled moose steak could be found again filling the good Catholic neighborhood's night air. 

The priest was called immediately and soon could be seen rushing into Jack's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him for ignoring his new faith. Suddenly the priest was stopped in his tracks with amazement, as he saw Jack standing in front of his grill making motions over another delicious moose steak dinner.

Clutching a small bottle of holy water, Jack could be seen carefully sprinkling the blessed liquid over the fresh meat, chanting as his eyes looked up into the night sky.

"You wuz born a moose, you wuz raised a moose. But now you is a Codfish."


Thanks to Len of Canada, eh?




"Freedom is Knowledge"