A Four Star Tool; Generally Speaking
by Rich Carroll


'As one who for 37 years proudly wore the uniform of our country'.  General Merrill 'Tony' McPeak, Co-Chairman of Barak Hussein Obama Campaign.
History, General, will remember you by not how proudly you wore your uniform, but by how you betrayed our trust and by how defiantly your current boss refuses to wear an American flag pin.  Veterans will remember you for choosing to support a political party that trashes and degrades our military.  You have separated yourself from 'those who served' to become entrenched with a candidate inextricably connected to a political and religious cult determined to control America and murdering millions in their effort to do so. 

You blame our Commander In Chief for the reprehensible and dangerous actions of a demented Muslim tyrant, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. You have hung your star on the party that since Vietnam has picketed the United States military.  Does 'Code Pink' ring a bell, General?  How about John (3 hearts and I get to go home) Kerry's 'Stay in school and you won't wind up in the military'?  Yes, the very same John Kerry whose presidential campaign YOU advised. What about Illinois Senator Durbin calling our finest young men and women 'Jack booted Nazi storm troopers'?  Do you recall the last Democrat administration that reduced our Army from 19 to 9 divisions, cut the Navy from 600 to 300 ships, and left our Air Force cannibalizing aircraft for spare parts?

This appeasement crowd is your slave master now, General, the anti-military left, those who bomb and deface recruiting centers, those who want to physically 'cage' military recruiters. Your new boss is a delusional professional demagogue who thinks that AIDS and drugs are the result of a conspiracy by white men. Your new boss spews hate-filled racist venom back into our national bloodstream, thinking the bigotry will go unnoticed.  You may want to ask Senator Barack Hussein Obama if he thinks you are a 'typical white person'. Nice platform, General.

History reveals that every piece of racist legislation ever passed and every racist terrorist attack that was ever inflicted on African Americans, was initiated by the members of the Democratic Party. From the Signing of the Constitution in 1787 to the Civil Rights movement of 1960's, Congressional records show the Democrat Party passed no laws to help Blacks; every law they introduced was designed to hurt blacks. These are the undeniable, documented, stark differences in the basic philosophy of our two political parties, and you have repeatedly aligned yourself with the Bad Guys, the Anti-Americans.

Spare us from the further desecration of our troops and acknowledge the superlative military minds that truly do serve our nation.  Your maneuverings with leftist anti-military are an obvious effort at finding suitable employment; you are desperately clinging to your ever fading bit of the national spotlight, and it only serves to tarnish the uniform.

In your misguided zeal to tarnish our military even further you stated 'Iran doesn't support Al Qaeda'.  This, General, shows either glaring ignorance or a conscious lie.  I find you gutless and reprehensible.  Your 'party' is not only racist anti-white and anti-American, it is anti-semetic, striking at our own roots and and rejecting an essential part of our civilization.  Israel, General, is the bedrock of traditional Western moral and political principles, not Africa.

Clearly, you have no shame and very little understanding of the damage you are doing to our nation and our national debate regarding our future leadership. You are a 'suit' on a stage, a prop for a candidate attempting to present himself as capable and patriotic. General McPeak, your vanity allows you to accept being used, but the willful harm your self serving actions cause our military and our citizens is more than regrettable. I am confident I speak for many when I say to you, 'we've had enough of your posturing, please stand down.'

Proudly wore the uniform, General?  Your boss wants to send $834 billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to poor countries (libspeak for Africa).  I doubt our military will be able to afford uniforms if this comes to pass, much less equipment.  Be sure to burn your old 'uniforms' when Islam begins to seriously be handed America by your party of anti-American traitors.  Begin studying the Koran, General; you'll need it.

As for the few other retired general officers supporting your African-Muslim candidate, they must be desperately seeking jobs.  May their names be stricken by those of us who know too well freedom was never gained by appeasing the enemy.  That fact that you don't seem to know who we are really dealing with here (Islam) makes me wonder exactly what you DID DO for 37 years.  America is fighting for our survival, and YOU have joined the enemy.

Jane Fonda, General, will be remembered in history for portraying a whore in 'Klute'.

How will you be remembered?




"Freedom is Knowledge"