Now the big question.

Why is Jimmy allowed to get away with it?


So why hasn't the mainstream media actively told you about the life and times of living under the decisions of President Jimmy Carter . . . from AOL to all major newspapers whenever Carter decides to undermined Bush?

Read Carter's own words again in the closing statement of his nationally televised speech in 1979. This man is nothing more than a wicked hypocrite, and the media not only knows it but protects him because he is one of their own. Truth doesn't matter. It's what political party owns you.

This is what happens when an estimated 80% of the media force-feeds the public the Democrat Party's dogma day after day, year after year, keeping information like this from Americans for the purpose of staying in power and keeping the public stupid.

We have told you on this site again and again and again the mainstream media is not in the business of protecting your democracy nor respecting your right to know. It is about too many evil men and women in control of what they want you to know and more importantly, what they don't want you to know.

Their mission is from their leader's legacy, Bill Clinton, who was spot-on when he declared in his own words about his affair in the White House on Easter Morning, "I did it because I could." And the media has never stopped looking back and through permission of its national organization, "The American Society of Newspaper Editors" (ASNE.)

I guess this all goes to the heart of our Web site's URL, Freedom is Knowledge. If you don't have the facts, such as what real life was like under the rule of Jimmy Carter as president, then you will not keep your freedom for very long, the signs all around your freedom being quickly sucked away.

Just this week (May 2007) a panel of far-left secular progressives told Boulder high school students in a school sponsored event that it was fine for the students to have sex with each other, even girls on girls and boys and boys . . . to masturbating while on drugs. The secular progressive mainstream media, along with the vile socialist ACLU, have turned America into a secular progressive communist-like society where the government leads and the people do what they are told . . . for their own good, of course. Just ask Hillary.

Did you know that in circa 2000 a graduating high school student in Salt Lake City was arrested by police right on stage while he was singing Michael W. Smith's "Friends?" The principal saw the song as a hard religious statement and had the graduating student arrested as if he had screamed out, "God damn America."

Actually, if he had said that he probably would have been better off, maybe even applauded by the school system's administration . . . or a least simply ignored. Our universities have done their job well, haven't they, on the education of today's leaders in the public schools, one year at a time since the 1970s . . . the new age of a lying young wealthy John Kerry and spoiled Hollywood actress, Jane Fonda.

And soon even you could be arrested for making comments about another person you believe could be a questionable role model for your children.

For instance, in Vermont you better not be caught telling your kids to stay away from cross dressers. The legislature has just voted to be sure your life will be made miserable and you will be sent to jail if caught saying those things to your kids or close friends.

It's not unlike early Nazi Germany, is it, where children in Hitler's young group were encouraged to tell the SS what their parents were saying at the dining room table about the politics of the Third Reich. Of course Vermont's secular progressives don't see themselves as Nazis, instead the protectors of harassment if one is caught using their freedom of speech and not seeing any evil of kids telling on what their parents might say in the privacy of their home.

Americans, Republicans and Democrats, were strong and united back then. It was only fifty years ago. Yet today we are a country that emulates the politics of Russia during the cold war, President Reagan seeing those times as oppressive to the freedom of human beings. But these times in Russia are now alive and well, but not in Russia. Instead you will find them in an acid-left secular progressive society in today's America where everyone is afraid of saying the wrong thing in front of the wrong person. This is in an environment where a Democrat mainstream media is standing nearby ready to play the game they have recently created called, "Gotcha!"

Our Web site encourages the youth of America to get smart and attack the secular progressives and their national media, which has made them the most politically uninformed generation in the history of the United States, as you can read just from the information about Jimmy Carter that is effectively kept from the public when doing stories on his statements.

And now through their teaching of political correctness in high schools and colleges across the United States over the last three decades, we believe our youth have become the most diseased generation in the United States history. Newspapers have been caught actually hiding the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) warning of 2004 from the public, which said that when today's generation of teenagers reaches 25-years of age, 50% of them would have contacted an STD.

In other words, half of America's youth would have contacted a sexual disease, some curable and sadly some not.

That means that those who have an incurable STD will have medical challenges throughout their young life and beyond as they age . . . from a potential early death to the ease of contacting debilitating diseases earlier in life than previous generations, people who were informed of the dangers of sex with strangers and that drugs own you, and you don't own them.

But in the end it's your life and how much you really want to know about what is going on around you . . . or should I say demand.






"Freedom is Knowledge"