The Ugliest of Americans


Welcome Back Carter, Now Please Go Away


Jimmy Carter: Emissary of Evil

- Carter initiated Hamas meeting -


Secret Service hated Jimmy Carter

At his home in Plains, Ga., Carter once tried to attack and kill a small dog with a bow saw. Agents had befriended the stray dog, a terrier, and given it the code name Dolphin. When the dog ate some food Carter's wife, Rosalynn, had put out for their Siamese cat, Carter "got the bow saw off a woodpile near the family room patio" and "tried to kill the dog," one agent who was there told Kessler. Dolphin dodged the attack, but Carter insisted that agents remove the dog from Plains. The orphan dog was given to the press corps . . . read more


Carter laments: Terrorists lack 'defense' against Israel


U.S. lawmaker demands: Revoke Carter's passport!

The Democrats' Jimmy Carter Problem

A picture is worth a thousand words, but this one only needs five; Jimmy Carter, the "horse's ass."
Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Jimmy Carter, The Muslims and Other Catastrophes!

"I worship Christ who was the prince of peace, not pre-emptive war." - Jimmy "the strange" Carter

The criticism from Jimmy Carter, which a biographer says is unprecedented for the 39th president, also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's "quite disturbing" faith-based initiative funding. Carter is reported to have said:

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in a story that appeared in the newspaper's Saturday editions. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations, including those of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and others, has been the most disturbing to me."

Carter spokeswoman Deanna Congileo confirmed his comments to The Associated Press on Saturday and declined to elaborate. Carter spoke while promoting his new audiobook series, "Sunday Mornings in Plains," a collection of weekly Bible lessons from his hometown of Plains, Ga.

"Apparently, Sunday mornings in Plains for former President Carter includes hurling reckless accusations at your fellow man," said Amber Wilkerson, Republican National Committee spokeswoman. She said it was hard to take Carter seriously because he also "challenged Ronald Reagan's strategy for the Cold War."

- In His Own Words (1977 - 1981) -

Now, here is what Jimmy Carter really did to the Middle East during his term in office!



"The policy from the White House has been to allocate funds to religious institutions, even those that channel those funds exclusively to their own particular group of believers in a particular religion," Carter said. "As a traditional Baptist, I've always believed in separation of church and state and honored that premise when I was president, and so have all other presidents, I might say, except this one."
Picture of another Dorian Gray
Photo source: Drudge Report

Jimmy Carter is the ugliest of Americans

It had been a tradition up to the George Bush presidency for other presidents not to attack those sitting in office. It was done so that the Office of the President of the United States would hold respect by the nation and not be tainted by disrespect. After all it was Abraham Lincoln who changed the world, even holding journalists accountable and not allowing them to help the north lose the war. Yet at the time he was probably viewed as the worst president in United States history.

When Bill Clinton violated the people's White House and the integrity of a good unlighted cigar, previous presidents, although greatly disturbed by Clinton's lack of moral leadership with his acting more like a alley cat than being a role model for the nation's young, they still did not attack Clinton outright as Carter has with George Bush.

We even saw at the time of this writing that the propeller heads who use AOL had rated Carter at 60% in being a good president while giving Bush around 30%. But let's look at the Carter presidency, which AOL totally failed to do, a fact too common with today's bully secular progressives in the drive-by media culture.

I was a home owner during the Carter presidency, so those who rated Carter at 60% on AOL have no idea what they are talking about. Since Carter attacks the Republicans all the time, the Democrats simply leave this pariah alone, letting him do the nutty work for them . . . although recently they have been pretty good at screwing themselves without any help from Carter.

First of all, Carter on his attempt at being re-elected president for a second term received votes from the electoral college that represented only seven states. In my book that says 84% of the nation wanted this idiot out of office and as fast as possible. That just shows that AOL's propeller heads are voting with their arm chairs, having no idea what kind of president Carter really was. Basically, he was a coward and still is today as you'll discover that from the links below. Of course, AOL's content children will not let their subscribers know that, and the reason for the vote totals.

AOL calls it content. We call it a set-up.

Why do we say this? If you were living back then, you would have felt a lot differently. Here is what I remember as a young hard working college graduate, holding a management position in a large American corporation while having to live under the presidency of his highness, Jimmy Carter.



- There were long lines at the gasoline pumps, some people taking three hours to get gasoline for their car.

Is that what you really want, AOL propeller heads, when Iran finally takes over the Middle East after America's politicians has allowed the country to waddle out of Iraq with its tail between its legs?

Remember, this is not a war where a line is drawn and you know where the enemy lives, his even helping you by putting on a uniform that is easy to see and then confined to certain cities or geographic areas so you know where to bomb him. Duh!

In fact America’s enemy today could be, and have been, your next door neighbor . . . you know the one who teaches soccer to your 13-year old daughter. It's a much different world since WWII, the last time America was able to win anything after the children of those brave men and women had took over the country in the 1960s, the ones today who call themselves the "Boomers," now ready to suck it all from America again.

Oh, and don't forget when America loses, then someone else has to win.

- Corporations and homes were asked by Jimmy to turn down thermostats to 68 degrees in the winter, Jimmy saying that was the way to solve America's oil crises with the Middle East.

Jimmy couldn't make it work with the Arab nations, causing our oil costs to go though the ceiling with supplies cut back. But now he accuses Bush of not negotiating well in the Middle East. This former president reminds me of a character from the book "Catch 22." What a moron. The American people couldn't wait to get rid of him in the next election. What does it say when the Democrats still crowd around him. They are like NAMBLA, protecting their own no matter how bad.

- Home prices almost instantly rose by 30%, taking away the hope of owning a home from many Americans in the middle and lower class almost overnight.

Suddenly, America stopped selling homes. Not only would you feel the chill inside your house, but you would also feel the chill of not being able to afford one, either.

- And 60% of AOL poll takers hate Bush over Carter? Under Bush, home interest rates are and have been around 5.6 percent (May, 2007.) Under Jimmy Carter they were slightly higher. Read below how much.

How high did the interest rates reach for buying a home? Try a 17% interest rate to buy a home, even loan interest rates moving close to 21%. When they were 12%, home buyers thought they had a real deal under Carter's leadership. And Jimmy was better than Bush as president?!

If you really believe that then you show your ignorance and lack of researching the truth, illustrating to me that you must believe hardship is doing without your cell phone for a few days.

- Under Jimmy Carter, sixty-six (66) Americans at our embassy in Iran were suddenly taken hostage by Iran activists on November 4, 1979. The leadership of Iran, seeing the opportunity, then took the American prisoners from the student rebels, keeping these American citizens hostage for 444 days.

Jimmy Carter's solution was to tell the American people in a national televised town meeting to "pray" as the main solution to the kidnapping. We're not kidding. We watched it.

Actually, Jimmy's stinking leadership instead "preyed" on those 66 Americans, many who today still hate this pariah for ruining their lives and being a total arrogant coward. And who was the leading activist back then in Iran who had the jewels to take these Americans hostage, holding a gun to many of their heads to intimidate them while kidnapped?

He is the head of Iran today, the one and only Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, even as Jimmy Carter attacks Bush today on his handling of the Middle East.

Note: Do you think AOL captures these responses and puts you into a fish bowl? Interesting question, isn't it? Google says they don't do that. Yea, and Starbucks promotes Christian philosophy on its coffee cups to provide clear direction for all their customers. Of course, the opposite it true, their actually printing only statements from far-left secular progressive, Starbucks' heroes, or didn't you know that when you laid down your four bucks for maybe a 50-cent wholesale drink?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not afraid of America, experiencing the country's population as only a paper tiger again three decades later. If you don't understand what dangerous times we live in, and that this electronic world of communications could go to hell in 24 hours along with millions of American lives, you're just a little out of touch with the times.

We believe Ahmadinejad is waiting for the right moment to seize on his coming 30-year anniversary when he put America on its knees along with Jimmy "rubber bullets" Carter. That day will arrive in just a little over two years from this writing. Ahmadinejad may show the world then what cowards Americans still are, loving their money and their strange sexual lifestyles more than their country, too many making fun of the Marines whenever they can. He knows that secular progressives are cowards and ready to say, "We are at fault. America has caused you this pain. Come over now and let's discuss it over a latte at Starbucks."

Sorry, dude, that just isn't going to happen. If the Democrats get their way and America has left the Middle East by then, Iran will most likely take firm control over the entire region, from Dubai to Lebanon forming a new Muslim continent, with American gas prices going to hopefully only $8.00 a gallon, as Democrats use America's reserve to keep that price down.

Of course, if his sleeper cell terrorists who have already crossed America's southern border, (you know don't ask, don't tell you're here to kill us), they could in a soon coming time in history easily take out just two of America's 30, thirty-plus year-old domestic oil production facilities. You can then kiss goodbye your country, your job, your 401k, and your ability to afford to buy anything.

And what is interesting is that not one shot will have been fired against the enemy. That is because America will not really know who the enemy is, Democrats in power not wanting to water-board any captures to find out. To put it bluntly, if you are living in Detroit, Michigan, during that coming time, how in the world is a Navy Carrier floating near the Middle East going to protect you from any harm on the homeland?

Today's secular progressives will probably win, with the help of the far-left mainstream media, and take us out of Iraq. But soon the people that elected them will begin to feel the pain of their weakness and crowdedness with the meltdown of lifestyle through an attack on our soil, taking America back to growing food in gardens with families living together under one roof. The family that stays together and has a gun may survive those time, their being not unlike the Great Depression.

- Jimmy Carter says he is a born-again Baptist, yet judges President Bush while saying nothing about his own sordid past as president for comparison of who really is the worst president in American history.

First. since Jimmy says he is a Baptist, then he knows the Bible says if you judge another, (the spec in the other's eye via the board in your eye), God will spit you out as if He never knew you. Jimmy also accuses the Bush administration of using Faith-Based organizations to help the poor, saying he is a full supporter of the separation of church and state. Really, Jimmy?

Here is what Jimmy Carter said in his own words, ending his famous 1979 speech that reflected one of the most failed presidencies in American history:

"In closing, let me say this: I will do my best, but I will not do it alone. Let your voice be heard. Whenever you have a chance, say something good about our country. With God's help and for the sake of our Nation, it is time for us to join hands in America. Let us commit ourselves together to a rebirth of the American spirit. Working together with our common faith we cannot fail."

Jimmy Carter's Malaise Speech, 1979. Source: PBS archive

"What a pariah! What a hypocrite!" - Webmaster

- Jimmy Carter had considered using the military to rescue the 66 Americans, but it never happened. By the way, to those who think Jimmy is such a wonderful guy, what do you think was one of his priorities in gaining these Americans their freedom again?

Some say he wanted any secret armed force that would free the hostages to use rubber bullets, in an effort to prevent harm to the hostage takers. We may never know the full truth, but below marks Carter's very thoughts about the nation and its culture in 1979. So you think Carter was a better president?

Read this again then you decide.

"Our people are losing that faith, not only in government itself but in the ability as citizens to serve as the ultimate rulers and shapers of our democracy. As a people we know our past and we are proud of it. Our progress has been part of the living history of America, even the world. We always believed that we were part of a great movement of humanity itself called democracy, involved in the search for freedom, and that belief has always strengthened us in our purpose. But just as we are losing our confidence in the future, we are also beginning to close the door on our past.

In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose."

President Jimmy Carter, 1979

Read now this entire transcript of the times in America under the leadership of Jimmy Carter as president and in his own words that were addressed nationally to the American people. After you're done, would you really rather be living under Jimmy Carter than George Bush, Carter starting this whole mess in Iran in the first place?

We did live during those horrid times and we would never, ever want to go through that hell again. Now consider if Jimmy Carter was president during the attack on 9/11.

We believe after seeing his lack of decisions during his term as president, America would still be waiting for a decision from him after 9/11, Carter even possibly having done nothing except to wait and see.

- Jimmy Carter awarded Roger Nash Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, the President's Metal of Honor Award in 1981. It was Baldwin, establishing the ACLU in 1920, who proclaimed:

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself . . . I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Not surprising, nutty Jimmy Carter gave Baldwin the award knowing the ACLU had already been attempting to cleanse America of the Christian faith long before Carter had passed out the Metal of Honor to Baldwin. At the Supreme Court level the ACLU had:

In 1962 - Engel v. Vitale: Attempted to end prayer in the public schools.

In 1963 - Abington v. Schempp: Assaulted authority of the Bible.

In 1980 - Stone v. Graham: Began long-term attacks on the Ten Commandments.

The ACLU continued their attack on Christians at such an extreme level that two nationally known Rabbis in the winter of 2006, who had to come out with press releases, asking Jews to stop using the ACLU to sue Christians. Their requests obviously fell on deaf ears:

In 1987 - Edwards v. Aguillard: Attacked public teaching of any creationism.

In 1989 - Allegheny v. ACLU: Sought to end public displays of Nativity scenes and Creches.

In 1992 - Lee v. Weisman: Called for an end to all graduation prayer.

In 2003 - Lock v. Davey - Sought to deny public scholarships for theological study.

However, we are happy to report the ACLU didn't run to stop all taxpayer-funded religious displays. Here are a few they had allowed, seeing them instead as forms of free speech:

- A crucifix with Jesus submerged in a jar of the artist's urine.

- A painting of the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung.

- A painting of a crucified naked woman on display in the Honolulu City Hall.

Source: Liberty Counsel

Thanks Jimmy Carter. What a guy!


There He Goes Again!

Carter: "Stop favoring Fatah over Hamas."
Can someone PLEASE put this man out of his misery?

The J. Gordon Coogler Award for 2006: Jimmy Again!

CEOs and Jimmy Carter: Acne on the Face of America

And meanwhile it goes on and on . . .

Carter now attacks Blair for 'blind' support of US in Iraq




Now the big question. Why is Jimmy allowed to get away with it?

Click here if you are interested. You might even agree.





"Freedom is Knowledge"