The Shepp Report

Special Edition

The Coming Storm

February 5, 2020


Check out comment on Super Bowl half time after this article.


Democrats hate success.

They hate successful citizens that don't need their claptrap government giveaways when taking office, bringing their misery to the land once more, wanting all to be grateful for any straw thrown their way.

With that understanding, you can see why they don't give a damn about the middle class anymore, their collared pit bull national media and deep state Washington D.C. leadership seeing those faces as "deplorables," smelly people who either dare to tour their Capital building or slop around like pigs at a local WalMart sale. - Webmaster


Photo Source: Martin Geddes


#The Storm

The following article is by Martin Geddes


How To Prepare For A Global Corruption Purge?

"In the last few weeks my thoughts have drifted towards the events of this autumn that are going to shake our world. We have seen all the pieces being put in place for a mass justice event in the USA — the like of which has never been encountered before.

I wish to share a few thoughts on how you might go about preparing for the 'expected unexpected'.


Large Scale Change Happens

It is not a novel insight to point out that major geopolitical change is an ongoing process. Key events in living memory would include:

  • 1970s — oil shock; Vietnam War
  • 1980s — deregulation; sudden end of the Soviet empire
  • 1990s — Gulf War; dotcom boom and bust
  • 2000s — 9/11 + Iraq War; financial collapse

Here in the late 2010s, it is arguable that we are seeing the decline and end of Globalism, together with many supporting institutions and doctrines. Whilst the counter-trend is labeled Nationalism by the media, it is better seen as anti-authoritarianism. The demand is for power be held closer to the people, rather than by an unaccountable political establishment.

Anti-globalism is the narrative that joins together otherwise seemingly disparate events — mass protests in Hong Kong, Brexit in the UK, a 'cold' civil war in France, a new government in Brazil, and the Trump administration in the USA. Working people are tired of extreme wealth disparities, declining standards of living, and mass migration causing cultural upheaval.

Most of all, ordinary people demand an end to their exploitation through endemic corruption. Specifically, a two-tier justice system has evolved where a privileged class can easily evade consequences for their thieving behavior. This powerful stateless mafia — which controls many important political, financial, media and industrial institutions — now faces removal and justice.


Corruption: The World's Biggest Industry

We have seen a number of corruption scandals break recently, including:

  • Pharma — illegal pushing of addictive opiates to the public
  • Banking — LIBOR scandal, U.S. mortgage fraud, 1MDB in Malaysia that may take down Goldman Sachs by the time it's done
  • Industrials — huge accounting fraud at GE
  • Google — involvement in espionage and treason on behalf of China
  • Hollywood — Weinstein is a foretaste of its (child) rape culture being exposed
  • Social Media — large-scale rigging of elections
  • Catholic Church — cover-up of child abuse

Now that the Mueller investigation has collapsed into nothing of consequence, there are at least six major scandals about to break in Washington DC:

  • Pedogate — Epstein Island and the blackmail operations associated with it (NXIVM, SNCTM);
  • UK royal family's involvement plus MI6; Israel and Mossad's dirty role; Hollywood's elite (notably at Disney) are up to their necks in this filth.
  • Spygate — Obama personally authorizing illegal FISA spying on the Trump administration, before and after the election. Draws FVYE spy network nations into the scandal, especially Britain.
  • Russiagate failed coup attempt — Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Ohr, etc. — are all going to hang for treason. Italy has already cleaned house on this one, having been implicated in the set-up.
  • Election fraud in 2016 and 2018 by Democratic party (and for many years before). May trigger the unseating of many in the House and special elections.
  • Clinton Foundation — sale of state secrets to China; Haiti human trafficking (cf Epstein).
  • Uranium One — illegal sale of U.S. nuclear material to Russia (which draws Mueller into his own scandal…)

Corruption is a widespread phenomenon. Anti-corruption initiatives have a long history. Multinational business has been a thing for centuries. That there might be a coordinated multi-country corruption purge should not be a matter of great controversy.

It is the confluence of so many simultaneous major scandals that is what gives #TheStorm its moniker and 'black swan' outlier status. It will sweep away some compromised institutions and put many previously untouchable people in jail. This is a paradigm change in government and business, restoring trust and honor that have been missing for decades.


The End Of The American 'Deep State'

Whether it has been the East India Company, the Venetians, or the Spanish in South America, international trade has always allied to intelligence gathering — and trodden a fine line between legitimate commerce and organized crime (e.g. the opium wars, theft of gold).

To understand #TheStorm we need to recognize that the problem of a two-tier justice system itself comes from transnational crime cartels. Corruption has its own business model, strategies, and organizational design patterns. 'Institutionalized crime' syndicates are often of a military-like nature, with power coming from spying, clandestine operations, subversion, esoteric science, and deception.

That power is tied to specific families and secret societies, many being in Europe and Asia. From its founding, the United States has been fighting against fifth columnists, who were often working on behalf of European banking, aristocratic, and religious powers. They have used their military intelligence networks to infiltrate American institutions and install their own people — who often become celebrated as quintessentially 'American' in the process!

Three notable and well-documented events from the 1940s-1970s paint the contextual picture:

  • Operation Paperclip imported thousands of key members of the German Nazi regime into important scientific, academic and military posts after WWII
  • Operation Northwoods showed the (corrupted) U.S. Government was willing to use 'false flag' attacks by its military against its own people for its geopolitical ends.
  • Operation Mockingbird weaponized the U.S. mass media against its own population, using agents who were covertly under the control of the CIA, a rogue intelligence agency under criminal leadership.

An unconstitutional private central bank — the Federal Reserve — was able to print as much money as necessary to bribe whoever it saw fit. This funded the activities of allied crooked banks, media companies, and military-industrial corporations. Collectively these 'Deep State' actors over time compromised the U.S. judicial, legal, and political systems — and subverted the Constitution.


Trump's de facto Military Government

Once civilian institutions are, too, compromised, the only remaining way of peacefully reversing these changes is via the military. Trump is far more than a figurehead. But to focus on him alone is to miss the big picture. He is the most visible part of a multi-decade Patriot plan to retake the country from the bankster criminals, and give it back to its people.

The Trump administration explicitly advertises itself (see video below) as not just another 4 year election cycle — "Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new Government controlled by you the American people." 

It would be wise to take Trump and his generals very literally when they state their intentions, as their lives are on the line.

If video has been taken down, Click Here to watch.

"Donald Trump gives one of his best speeches in his campaign for the Presidential post 2016." - Berikande Mangfald, October 2016

Video Source: GOP


You can see Trump's closeness to the military with:

  • His inauguration — where he unusually and symbolically had soldiers appear behind him.
  • Choices of personnel, being surrounded by generals, especially from the Marines.
  • The famous 'calm before the storm' remark, as he is often pictured with his senior military team on social occasions.
  • Focus on celebrating the military and its independence from foreign control for the 4th July celebrations this year.
  • His links to Admiral Rogers and General Flynn who know where the bodies are buried and have been involved in the resulting intrigue.

A deeply embedded crime network has had effective control over the U.S. DOJ, FBI, and CIA — as illustrated by the Clintons' magical escapes from justice. A similar purge of corruption and taming of the Federal Reserve was attempted under JFK, and failed. The protection of the President needs can only come from a loyal military.

The 'Q' program of open source intelligence to bypass the compromised mass media is further evidence that this is a de facto military government with a civilian varnish. The legal and justice systems are being cleaned up, and the "pioneer public" primed for stunning revelations that will shake the foundations of society.


#TheStorm Is About To Make Landfall

Sessions, Durham, Huber, Horowitz, Rosenstein, Barr — there are objective reasons to believe that large DOJ legal teams have been quietly working for a considerable period under these leaders. Their task is to indict those responsible for the scandals listed earlier. The job of some of these teams is complete, according to the DOJ website.

There has already been a record-breaking surge of indictments, arrests and convictions for human trafficking. There has also been extensive building work done at Guantanamo Bay, and a new senior judge has been appointed for military tribunals there. There is an enabling executive order on courts martial, and federal capital punishment has been reinstated. The President has made many proclamations on the treasonous nature of the offences, and that they must never recur.

What is going to happen in late 2019 and into early 2020 is that multiple connected scandals are all going to break in fast succession. They will involve crimes against humanity, and horrors we had hoped had ended with the Nazis, Chairman Mao, or Pol Pot. A recurring theme from insider leaks is that the trials are going to be televised as a kind of 'Nuremberg 2.0'.

Trump is not a politician. #TheStorm is not politics. This is about fixing the framework in which politics happens. #TheStorm is a restoration of the American Republic under control of its citizens, and the Constitutional rule of law. The conspiracies against the people are very real, and their prosecution is now inevitable.


Who Else? What Else? Where Else?

These events are going to be a shock to most of the public, who have been lulled into complacency by a media conspiracy of silence. They will be scared and confused, since they will not know whom to trust, how bad the situation has been, or whether it is sufficiently contained.

Now is the time that forward-looking leaders can begin to prepare, so you can honestly state that this is on your radar, and you are taking proactive steps to manage the situation. There is ample evidence of this being a very real and serious situation, and to ignore it is irresponsible.

We can be reasonably certain that the following will experience major impacts from #TheStorm:

  • Political foundations that are used to launder bribes and payoffs (e.g. under the cover of 'book deals').
  • Charities that are nothing of the kind, being covers for illegal activities.
  • NGOs that have a covert purpose (e.g. Red Cross involvement in organ harvesting plus human trafficking).
  • Multi-national corporations who are using slave labor, or have operations in certain politically risky countries (e.g. Apple being forced to repatriate manufacturing from China).
  • Financial industry players, with many banks having large fraud liabilities. It is no secret that some like Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Deutsche Bank face trouble, having over-indulged in nefarious business practices.
  • Media industry, which faces a cataclysmic loss of trust by the public as its past misdeeds and methods get exposed to the light.
  • Telecoms and IT, which is the foundation for a great deal of espionage. Amazon is tainted by its CIA associations; Google faces a total brand meltdown.
  • Energy, as a great deal of corruption is tied to oil and gas extraction and commodity trading, as well as the push for renewables driven by illegitimate concern

#TheStorm will reveal three scams that are each trillions of dollars in scope that will further damage the reputation of the media, academia, government, and religious bodies:

  • War-for-profit (drawing in banks, arms industry, and public and private intelligence agencies).
  • Carbon tax (there is no 'climate emergency').
  • Fraud through foreign aid. [ie: the impeachment hearings.]


So What And What Next?

This is a 'trust apocalypse': those who you were taught were most worthy of trust will repeatedly be proven to have betrayed it. Conversely, you will discover who the truly trustworthy are, as the lies and scams are exposed.

Confronting something of this magnitude in our own lifetimes can seem rather daunting. The MBA strategy books focus mainly on the positive creation of value in the legitimate economy. Where we touch on fraud and crime it comes clearly boundary in topics like 'revenue assurance' and 'business continuity planning'.

The collapse of a longstanding massive network of organized crime that intersects with every sector isn't something we have a precedent for. There isn't a chapter for this kind of scenario in the textbooks. We just know that the November 2020 election cycle is a forcing function: the 'swamp' needs to be exposed before then — so that the public is clamoring for total drainage.

To deal with this situation, here are some initial suggestions as to how you can take action now:

1. Get your own personal affairs in order as a hygiene factor. You can't be sorting out other people's problems if your own are a distraction. Clear the decks of anything optional or troublesome.

2. Set your moral compass now. Those who thrive post-Storm will have different values to those who prospered before it. Be very clear with yourself what you and your organization truly stand for, and what isn't changing and is non-negotiable.

3. Expand your information sources. The mass media has become compromised by decades of infiltration and corruption. They are complicit in serious crime, if only via a conspiracy of silence, and cannot tell you the whole story. You need to look to alternative sources of journalism and analysis for an accurate picture.

4. Build your human network. Consider creating a temporary and informal organization to track and make sense of these changes. Use a 'who knows, who cares, who can' model to draw in those sufficiently informed, motivated and resourced to act voluntarily and on their own initiative.

5. Manage your exposure. Start to manage your risk of exposure to Deep State aligned companies and sectors. Think about the most important business contracts you have and whether they are robust enough for this kind of outlier business event. Begin to plan contingencies for disruptions on both your supply and demand sides.

6. Map the possible opportunities. This is going to be a one-off opportunity to acquire talent from tainted institutions, buy up businesses at distressed prices, and occupy vacated market roles whose previous holders have been razed by #TheStorm. Making good enough moves quickly is likely to beat waiting for perfect certainty.

Start making your shopping list."


The above article is by Martin Geddes,


Click here to visit Martin Geddes Web site

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TKS for the heads-up to Ellen of South Carolina





What, You Didn't Know?

NFL Super Bowl 2020 allows half-time Hollywood entertainers to mock Trump; children in cages.

Lopez confirms image with kids in cages was to put down Trump and his securing the nation against illegals. Where the hell was the NFL? Oh yea, out making more bucks.

Photo Source: NewsThud

J. Lo Confirms ‘Kids In Cages’ At Super Bowl Halftime Show Was Against Trump's Border Wall

"During the high-energy set, J. Lo’s daughter Emme sang a few lines of Bruce Springsteen’s 'Born in the USA' with 'Let Get Loud,' while children in small cages appeared on the field and a large fence appeared behind the stage. J. Lo raised a feathery cape that showed the U.S. stars and stripes on one side and the Puerto Rico flag on the other. (Lopez is of Puerto Rican descent and Shakira is from Colombia.)

Some viewers noticed the 'kids in cages,' an apparent reference to President Donald Trump’s immigration policy of separating families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Lopez confirmed the imagery was very intentional.

'All I want my girls, the little girls on stage with me and all over the world to know is how to use their voices and be proud of everything they are,' she said in a statement on Monday night. 'Other people can try to build walls, keep us out or put us in cages. We are proud to recognize that all of us together are what makes this beautiful country truly great.'” - READ MORE /


Our Comment On Jennifer Lopez Political Message At Super Bowl

Jennifer Lopez seems to have forgotten it was Obama who built those wire fences called cages, not Trump. Those fences keep children from actually being abused by others in containment, the illegals caught on the border huge along with MS-13.

Therefore she really needs to stick to dancing, although her bending over and shaking her back side to millions of people around the world while her daughter was there in a cage was not exact what most mothers would do.

But what do I know, being raised in the 1950's by the men and women who won WWII?

What is sad is Lopez also knows she is dancing around those Angel Moms who have lost loved ones to illegals. However what can you expect from an entertainer these days? It was an entertainer who wished Trump's son could be put into a cage with pedophiles and then returned him to his mother.

Lech Walesa reminded us in 2010, the Noble Peace Prize Winner for pushing Russia out of Poland, that America was no longer the moral leader for the world.

And Lopez just put a capital M on that statement during a Super Bowl Sunday.

She also gives additional meaning to Plato, born 400 years before Christ, who reasoned that NO SUCCESSFUL DEMOCRACY could ever survive, strange ideas evolving out of the arts and later going mainstream to the point that puppy dogs would want to stand on their hind legs and demand their freedoms, too.

With Hispanic unemployment reported to be at an all time low under Trump, Lopez looks like she really seems to be little too rich to worry about others who are trying to put food on the table for their children . - Webmaster









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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti


When you see this there are progressive socialists at work. - Webmaster
Graphic Source: Pinterest



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Black newspaper burned down on November 10, 1898. The Democrat Party's machine showed its true colors in the murders of blacks in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and then NEVER LOOKED BACK. - Webmaster No problem with this man's background to still be president of the United States, as it was a man who allowed a woman to drown then being made the king of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate!  And the Democrats worry about the values of Russia's KGB? - Webmaster